Tuesday, November 20, 2007

the diary of a killer......

does anyone care?

he wants some one to pray to,

someone to preach to,

someone to kill,

does anyone dare?

to call him a whiner,

he sits in his corner ,

and hes aware....

does anyone care at all?
whimsical seems the situaion,
his despair before his fall,

and hes aware,

as they pass by and stare,

hell get them one day,

one day very soon,

as they play and bet,

they dont know hes watching,

they dont know hes watching,

theyre every step,

and hes aware ,

that the dogs will come hunting,

and people running,

just to find him,

yet hes justified,

his course of action,

well,to each his own muse,

to each his own sin.....

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


anila......this ones for you dudette......hehe
she took their weather;

left the hanging by,their thinnest strand;

she took their power;

dug a hole so deep,too deep for hand;

she too their beauty;

there was none darker,than their land;

shes on suicide,save me,save me;

shes on suicide,save me,save me;

she says;

when are you going to;`

take away my dying soul?;

when will you?;

needle my death you whore;

im a puddle of mud;

ive just stepped,in myself;

and,just like a fool;

have become somebody else........



first theres the pain,then theres something more;

like the waves hit the sand and take it away from the shore;

what i really think,you know so well;

so put me back in the darkness,take me out of hell;

why do you insist,on keepinkg me here?;

is this a test?making me face my fears?;

breaking me down into pieces,until theres nothing left;

life's a whore,that shouldnt be kept;

if there really is something more,then show it to me;

'cause i chose the darkess,now i cant see.............


as i fall,into,the darkness,again;
i see a soul,writhing in pain;
i squint into the black;
as a sin sweeps by me;
a lie from an innocent;
has set it free;
how you decieve;
oh,lil child;
with your twinkling eyes;
and your beautiful smile;
so much evil;
inside of you;
i know im blind;
i dont believe the truth;
feed on my blood;
send me to the abyss;
as i fall into the darkness again........